Quoc Tuan – An Binh Industrial Park receives Investment Registration Certificate and officially changes name to An Phat 1 Industrial Park

Today, the “Ceremony of Granting Investment Registration Certificate An Phat 1 Industrial Park” took place at the headquarters of An Phat High-tech Industrial Park No.1 JSC, the investor of An Phat 1 Industrial Park, a member of An Phat Holdings.

Attending the ceremony were the senior leaderships of Hai Duong. On behalf of An Phat Holdings (APH) and An Phat High-tech Industrial Park No.1 JSC (An Phat 1), there were: Mr. Pham Van Tuan – Acting Deputy CEO of the APH and General Director of An Phat 1 and the representative of Board of Directors of An Phat Holdings.

Accordingly, An Phat High-Tech Industrial Park No.1 JSC, a member of An Phat Holdings, the investor of An Phat 1 Industrial Park project received the following decisions from the leaders of Hai Duong province:

  • Decision No. 212/QĐ-TTg of the Prime Minister on Investment In-principle Approval to “An Phat 1 Industrial Park Infrastructure Development”
  • Decision on the Establishment of An Phat 1 Industrial Park
  • Investment Registration Certificate of An Phat 1 Industrial Park
The leader of Hai Duong province presents Decision of the Prime Minister on Investment In-principle Approval to "An Phat 1 Industrial Park Infrastructure Development"
The leader of Hai Duong province presents Decision of the Prime Minister on Investment In-principle Approval to “An Phat 1 Industrial Park Infrastructure Development”

At the same time, according to the latest Decision issued today (March 5), Quoc Tuan – An Binh Industrial Park will be officially changed its name to An Phat 1 Industrial Park.

An Phat 1 Industrial Park will be built on an area of ​​180 hectares in Quoc Tuan, An Binh and An Lam communes, Nam Sach district, Hai Duong province. With a total planned investment amounted to VND 1,947 billion (~$83 million), the project’s goal is to invest in construction and commercial exploitation of the industrial park and attract high-tech and environmentally friendly investors.

Previously, on February 17, the Decision No. 212/QĐ-TTg of the Prime Minister on Investment In-principle Approval to “An Phat 1 Industrial Park Infrastructure Development” was issued.

Speaking at the ceremony, the representative of the leadership of Hai Duong shared: “An Phat 1 is a potential industrial park, with many advantages to attract investment such as strategic location, human resources, and prospect to become a promising industrial park of both size and scale. I hope that An Phat Holdings and Hai Duong Management Board of Industrial Zones will focus on site clearance, infrastructure development, together with attracting investment, building a model of high-tech industrial park, meeting the demand of high-technology industries, especially supporting industries.”

The leader of Hai Duong province presents Investment Registration Certificate of An Phat 1 Industrial Park
The leader of Hai Duong province presents Investment Registration Certificate of An Phat 1 Industrial Park

On behalf of An Phat Holdings, Mr. Pham Van Tuan, Acting Deputy CEO, General Director of An Phat High-Tech Industrial Park No.1 JSC, said: “We will strive to develop An Phat 1 into a leading high-tech, environmentally friendly industrial park in the North, a destination attracting domestic and international investment and contribute to economic and social development, promoting industrial development in Hai Duong province.”

Ông Phạm Văn Tuấn, Q. Phó Tổng Giám đốc APH, Tổng Giám đốc An Phát 1 giới thiệu KCN An Phát 1
Mr. Pham Van Tuan, Acting Deputy CEO of APH, General Director of An Phat 1 introduce An Phat 1 Industrial Park

An Phat 1 Industrial Park is projected to become a high-tech, environmentally friendly industrial park in Hai Duong, which attracts investors from many fields such as electronics, food and beverage (F&B), plastic, injection molding…

Since 2017, An Phat Holdings has expanded into the industrial real estate sector and achieved remarkable success. In particular, An Phat Complex Industrial Park after just over a year in operation was listed in the Top 10 Most Profitable Industrial Real Estate Company in 2019.

Continuing the success of An Phat Complex Industrial Park, An Phat Industrial Park 1 is expected to bring great success to An Phat Holdings in this field when the industrial real estate segment is expected to bring an average revenue of VND 600-700 billion (~$25 million) per year, average profit after tax of VND 180 billion (~$7.6 million) per year. The project implementation schedule for An Phat 1 Industrial Park is required not to exceed 36 months from the date of State allocates land. The operation duration of the project is 50 years from February 17, 2021.

Source : https://anphatcomplex.com/

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