Binh Duong vows to facilitate Taiwanese investors

Binh Duong now ranks third in the country in foreign direct investment attraction with more than 3,650 valid projects, worth a total of US$33.1 billion.

The southern province of Binh Duong will continue improving the local investment climate, focusing on accelerating administrative reforms and sharpening its investment competiveness in order to better facilitate foreign investors including those from Taiwan.

Binh Duong province vows to facilitate Taiwanese investors
The meeting between Taiwanese enterprises and Binh Duong’s authorities on August 21.

Vice chairman of the province’s People’s Committee Mai Hung Dung delivered this statement during a meeting with Taiwanese enterprises which are investing in the province on August 21.

Binh Duong will concentrate on perfecting infrastructure facilities, expanding industrial zones to provide investors with a sufficient land source besides improving the quality of the province’s personnel, Dung said.

At the same time, local authorities also want to learn about issued faced by enterprises to help them perform better.

During the meeting, representatives from Taiwanese firms outlined difficulties in recruiting workers as one of their biggest issues when investing in the province. That has not only affected these companies’ ability to fulfil orders but also caused difficulties for their expansion plans, they said.

The online newspaper cited Wu Chun-ying, president of the Binh Duong-based Taiwan Business Association as saying that many member enterprises, especially ones operating in industrial zones, are having trouble seeking labourers.

These firms have encountered difficulties in both recruitment of unskilled workers and skilled workers, he said, adding that the labour shortages had pushed Taiwanese firms to increase wages for workers to easily recruit and retain them.

Answering these concerns, Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Pham Van Tuyen said his department will help the firms find labourers in neighbouring localities, adding that Binh Duong’s centre for employment services has teamed up with similar ones in other localities to recruit workers for the firms.

In the long term, the department plans to focus more on improving skills for the workers to increase labour productivity, Tuyen noted.

Binh Duong now ranks third in the country in foreign direct investment attraction with more than 3,650 valid projects, worth a total of US$33.1 billion.

Among 64 countries and territories investing in the southern industrial hub, Taiwan is top with 843 projects, worth $5.53 billion. Most Taiwanese-financed projects operate in the fields of textile and garment, footwear, automobile support, healthcare, pharmaceuticals and food processing.

In recent years, the province has attracted large-scale investment projects from many large Taiwanese corporations. Typically, the project of ChengLoong Binh Duong Paper Company has an investment of 1 billion USD; Polytex Far Eastern Company invested 760 million USD and TECO electromechanical company has invested 50 million USD in the province.

In the first seven months, Taiwanese enterprises have registered to inject $237 million in the province.


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