The onshore wind turbine with a largest capacity in Vietnam has been put into operation

The onshore wind turbine with a largest capacity in Vietnam has been put into operation

In the afternoon of November 29, 2019, in Bac Phong and Loi Hai communes, Thuan Bac district, Ninh Thuan province, Trung Nam Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company (Trungnam Group) held a ceremony to put the first turbine with a largest capacity of 4 MW in Vietnam today of Trung Nam wind power project (phase 2) into operation.

The ceremony for putting into operation the first turbine of Trung Nam Wind Power Project (phase 2).

Trung Nam wind power project (phase 2) is constructed by Trung Nam Construction and Installation Joint Stock Company, under the guidance of Enercon an equipment supplier from Federal Republic of Germany. The project with a capacity of 64 MW and average output of 182 GWh per year includes 16 wind turbines by capacity of 4 MW each, the step-up 0.4-1.0/22kVtransformers and connections to 110kV feeders at 220kV Thap Cham substation for synchronization with the national power system.

The renewable energy complex of Trungnam Group.

Trung Nam wind power project is developed in a cooperation of the partners with a high professional capacity as Saren , Power Engineering Consultant Company 4 (PECC4) and, especially German Enercon – a company which has 30 year – experience in manufacturing wind turbines and globally supplied 27,815 wind turbines.

The wind turbine installed in this project marked E-126 EP3 has a gearless technology with a diameter of 126 meters, a height from the foundation of the tower to the axis of turbine of 116 meters. This turbine can operate at low wind speed as from 2.0 to 2.5 meters per second and catch wind with an average speed of 7.1meters per second higher than speed of the phase 1 as 6.5 meters per second that greatly contributes to the success of the project.

Besides, the turbines E-126 EP3 have a land area rate of 0.14 ha/MW compared with the regulated land use rate as not exceeding 0.35 ha/MW that will significantly contribute to effectively using the national resources.

According to Representative of Trungnam Group the generation of the first unit with a capacity of 4.0 MW will accelerate the construction, installation, connection and adjustment of the remaining wind turbines of the Trung Nam wind power project (phase 2), ensure to complete the project in the first quarter of 2020 in accordance with the commitment of the group with Ninh Thuan Provincial People’s Committee and Electricity of Vietnam. Trung Nam group should strive to achieve the goal for connecting 1,000 MW of the renewable energy to the national power system in coming two year.


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