Marketing Talk #9: 03 Marketing Solution tools on HOUSELINK to help you connect with your community

Community building is difficult, maintaining community is “brain-consuming” and requires a lot of effort.

Since the beginning of 2020 when the Covid 19 pandemic spreads, meeting and contact activities of businesses have been canceled, businesses have to face many challenges to stay connected with their communities. During this tough time, many businesses cut their workforce and spendings on advertising. However, research has shown that you do not need to cut costs for PR and Marketing, but you need to invest more effectively, which is beneficial for both the brand image and the performance of the business. .

Maintaining marketing and PR in times of social dislocation requires adopting new methods and tools to succeed. Community building is a prominent Marketing and PR trend in the past 3 years. Businesses invest, take care of their brand image and build a community for themselves to maintain better connections between Enterprises – Customers.

Here are 03 tools to help businesses maintain the community of potential customers, retain users with your business.

PR Articles on VietnamConstrucion

Articles with PR elements are not too strange, but to post on which channel, content is still a concern for Construction Enterprises. VietnamConstruction has a system of articles about project information, learning and community dedicated to the Construction industry, with a large number of Construction Enterprises participating in reading and sharing.

You absolutely can post articles sharing experiences, projects, new technologies and knowledge accumulated through the operation of the Enterprise. The community on VietnamConstruction is also your community. Take advantage to stay connected and develop the community for your Business.

Storyfeed and E-profile on HOUSELINK system

It’s time to proactively update your own business news on the HOUSELINK system. HOUSELINK has more than 10,000 unique visitors per day, they will need to see your performance, projects you work on and related news before deciding to contact you.

Construction Community on the social network system of HOUSELINK

Building and developing a community takes time and effort, especially for a Construction Enterprise that wants to start this road from scratch. However, you don’t have to do everything that hard way. You can take advantage of existing social media communities, thereby sharing stories, knowledge, and interacting to make them your own community – who are more likely to become customers in the future.

Experience the community with HOUSELINK, reaching more than 100,000 contacts and more than 15,000 active members to develop the community and market more effectively.

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